Is the Santa Barbara Healing Sanctuary Right for You, a Loved One, or Someone under your Care?
If you feel it may be, we urge you to find out more. Phone the Sanctuary’s Clinical Director, Jill Fischer, PsyA, APRN, BC, at 877-216-4610 for a free consultation. There is no cost or obligation, and you will receive an honest assessment of how the Sanctuary might be of help.
Fees include therapies, classes, room and board.
7-day Dream Healing Intensives, created for people with medical conditions and for anyone wanting to maintain optimal health.
Our Leading Edge Professional Staff Runs a Program for Restoring and Sustaining Health Including:
• Individual Dreamwork
• Water Somatic Therapies – Watsu – Waterdancing
• Individualized Therapeutic Yoga
• Visual and Tactile Art-making
• Embodied Imagination and Journaling
• Dream theater
• Mindfulness Meditation
• Nutrition and cooking instruction to create a customized diet for post program health
• An optional variety of integrative therapies such as Acupuncture and Massage
Next Program Date: November 10-17, 2015
Recent Articles about the Santa Barbara Healing Sanctuary:
Santa Barbara Sentinel
March 8-15, 2013, Volume 2, Issue 9
The Mindful Word
by Diana K. Raab
Below is a link to a recent article about the SB Healing Sanctuary in Explore magazine.
Journal for Science and Healing
Year: 2012 Issue: Vol 8 | No. 6 | November-December 2012 | Pages 317-382
Meaning as a Healing Agent
By Bonnie Horrigan
During the past three decades, research and discoveries in neuroscience validate healing traditions that are thousands of years old, and show that the mind/body connection is indeed very real and very powerful. They point to new directions in the ways we think of and treat disease, and promote wellness. The Santa Barbara Healing Sanctuary is the first restoration in 1,500 years of an ancient form of Western medicine—the potent concentration of the meaning response by way of dreaming. And the people who participate are benefitting. Read more..